First Sunday nights are everyday goddess call-in nights.
Sunday, November 3, I’m leading with The Artist Way, Julia Cameron’s classic, now past its 25th year. If you’ve read it or have it, bring it to the call Sunday night. Her work and words have unblocked, inspired, motivated, and soul sistered countless creative spirits and artists’ lives and careers.
We’ll revisit Chapter 1, Recovering our Sense of Safety, this week. We’re conditioned to fear a lot; and our way through is finding our sense of safety. From this space, everything is easier.
Like many who’s work and what we create comes out of traveling our own paths, The Artist’s Way came out of Julia Cameron’s. Working mostly with ‘blocked or injured’ artists, Recovering a Sense of Safety was her Week 1 lesson, followed by Identity, Power, Integrity, and eight more. These are grounding and freeing to our spirit.
Interested? Great! Join the call.
How about 1st–and 3rd–Sunday nights, too? I’d like that, as well.

About Everyday Goddess Community
I started everyday goddess community to bring together, by phone, Life-traveler goddesses like me; kindred-spirit lightworkers, who travel, create, write, play and dance in becoming more of who we are–everyday goddesses. (Read More)
Open community calls are 1st Sunday evenings at 7. (Midwest Central Time Zone) Monthly memberships are sincerely appreciated and add individual personal support for this work together.
If your new to these, Sunday’s Artist’s Way call is complimentary. Welcome.
Call-in number, details are on the Calendar.
Questions? Joining me? Let me know.
More goddess-growing in-person locally
Other goddess-growing and writing group offerings are in-person locally, as well. Not seeing what you’d love? Ask. …. Another soul sister, just yesterday, asked for a Marry Your Muse group. So we’re creating one. Coming soon to Kindred Spirit Center.
Thank you. It’s my pleasure, and looking forward to our calls. – Anne
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