This morning I stumbled on a most wonderful Facebook page, The Return of the Divine Feminine. The art, the expression, the feel…the wisdom and inspiration. From the page: There is the Divine Feminine within All. Both men and women. In these times we must awaken this part of ourselves and recognize her timeless presence in transforming our world into harmony and Sacred Union.
The eBook I’m editing for a gifted author of a series called Putting Herself Together Again touches the same theme in the section I’m on now. There have been interpretations and judgments made and passed on that are worthy of another look, and perhaps a whole other interpretation from the vantage point of now…and wholeness and healing and ‘putting ourselves together again.’
A Women’s Wellness Retreat Weekend next month. I’m a speaker. The topic: The soul of Women. From my studies and in my experience, I offer the possibility that some (very mistaken) assumptions about the soul of women have been made. In compiling the words and wisdom of women speaking for themselves about their spirit and needs and perspectives, She again came through. The She voices and spirit; the fluid and healing and far-reaching depths and graces to be received. So good.