We are in highly charged, strong-shifting energy times. Adapting to change and letting-go-to-flow will be wise on our part; as will focusing on what we LOVE and finding alignment with our best and greatest, most-authentic selves. Feminine energy is flowing in to bring balance. We’ve been so enmeshed in masculine energy, we’ve forgotten what feminine feels like and how powerful it can be. Getting to balance on all levels will be quite an adjustment for our world.
Feminine energy and power go straight to the heart and soul; feelings, emotions, intuitive knowing; gestation and birthing, transformations and creations. True alignment within, to become and be who we really are, is our assignment, and also our path to abundance of all kinds.
Manifesting Abundance Virtual Open House Sunday night, June 24
Everyday goddess, Intuitive Life Coach, friend, Nancy Nicholas of the Sanctuary Soul Friends Community is hosting a Free Virtual Open House this Sunday evening, featuring several Sanctuary sensitive spirit kind of souls, heart-centered entrepreneurs, intuitives, and wellness practitioners. I’ll be one of them; another is an astrologer; and you’ll especially want to experience Nancy. Sunday night topics, practitioners, and times are found here. If it resonates with you, tap in, and welcome.
Love and light and blessing in all our manifesting creations. – Anne