A new year, a time of looking forward, making changes. What do we want? and Who do we want to be?
What follows are two life wisdom clips for some inspiration and conversation: the first is from Dalende (Gelma Bruce); the second is from Bonesigh Arts.
“Do you want to see changes? Then you must make them happen. …”
“What do you want? What is it that deep down you feel comfortable with? Think about this for a moment. You really like staying at home, you like meditating, you have been writing your lessons, you enjoy cooking, you enjoy traveling, you would enjoy having a house surrounded by mountains, and, most of all, you enjoy doing all this in a leisurely way …”
“Now you have to plan your life the way you intend to live it, and use your thoughts as the building blocks for its realization. This might take some time because old habits die hard, and ego is always present to tempt you to follow the old familiar ways. But…nothing is going to change unless you will it to change. … You have been given the tools to change your life, but the changing is up to you.”
“… [T]here are no preset patterns to somebody’s life. You come here with certain lessons to learn, but the way you set the stage up to learn them is totally up to you. Most people get so involved with setting up their stage that they miss the purpose for the setting of the stage and get lost in the details. You are a creator, and as such you always create, sometimes out of fear, sometimes out of love, but you are always creating. Start writing down all your thoughts on how you want to set up your stage; keep on thinking about this new stage and you will see how your present stage will change. Do not think about anything else; do not pay attention to anything else. This is your life, your stage, and at this point you should know how you want to live it. Do not give in to other people’s thoughts or ways.”
– Conversations with a Friend by Dalende (Gelma Bruce)

it’s your thoughts and your spirit
and your creativity and your flair
and your heart and your sparkle
and your passion and your loves
and your courage that make up
the incredible mix of who you are…
why oh why do we let others tell us
what our mix should be?!
– bonesigharts.com
Now your part: the Conversation to make it Yours
. What do you want? What is it that deep down YOU feel comfortable with? What do you enjoy? How would you like to live?
. Old habits … and new approaches
. We are creators. What / How do you want to create out of love? Or fear?
MORE … the Follow-through
1. Tap in to January’s first Friday Monthly Muse & Magnificence call. 11:30 AM Central / 12:30 PM Eastern. Always Free to Everyday Goddess members…. and membership is only $5 a month. Learn more/sign up.
2. January Winter Spirit Saturdays. January 5 is Start-Your-New-Story Saturday, a day of private and group coaching to do what you’ve always promised yourself. January 19 is a Success Set-up Saturday of short, targeted success set-up planning sessions. Learn more/sign up.