A FREE Directory Listing is included with your Everyday Goddess Community Membership. (Promote is one of our tenets…as in success, prosperity, self-care, services…)
Whether your service is a full-time passion, a part-time endeavor; or you’re good at something and would love to get paid for it, this is a place to tell us about it…in a community you already feel connected to.
Directory Listing Components
- Photo
- Description paragraph – 50 words, briefly describing who you are and the service or product you are featuring. If you have a web site, be sure to include the link also. (Suggested category is welcome also.)
- New listing announcement in an Everyday Goddess Community blog post–which is also shared on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for additional awareness
- New listing announcement to the Everyday Goddess Community email group
- Option to add more listings (Just setting you up for fabulous fun success!)
- Must be a member of the Everyday Goddess Community. You can join here.
- Services and products in the directory serve the well-being of Everyday Goddesses and are compassionate and cruelty-free to animals
Additional Listings
- Additional listings (another product, service, or category) can be purchased for $25 / yr
- Create your description the way you’d like it posted, including the website address if you have one.
- Choose a picture to include with your posting.
- Send your listing to me at annew [at] wonderspirit.com